As we get ready for the 2014 Christmas hoopla, lets give thought for all we have, all we love, and the "REAL" meaning of CHRISTmas!!!! I hope all of you have the best CHRISTmas ever and a Happy New Year ! Diversified Mortgage Brokers,Tel: 434-23
Dec 19, 2014 |
2015 Mortgage Rate Forecast: Many of the portfolio managers expect rates to move higher next year but not too dramatically. Keeping rates in check are: the uneven growth in the economy,declining inflation expectations, and uncertainties in the labor marke
Dec 06, 2014 |
Well. its that time of year again when USDA monies are on hold from the Federal government until they can get more alloted.That was suppossed to have happened in October but we are still waiting. For now, most Lenders will only service 640+ cred
Nov 15, 2014 |
There is quite a difference in your choice of a Bank or Mortgage Broker to represent you or your clients. Typically, the Bank will offer higher rates and limited programs that only apply to that Bank. A Mortgage Broker can offer a variety of programs and
Nov 08, 2014 |
When shopping for a Mortgage rate, the new gimmick is the option where a Lender does NOT charge for underwriting the loan (sometimes called administative fees, etc). This charge usually ranges from $700 - $1000 depending on the Lender, so can yo
Oct 31, 2014 |
Every day I get asked to prepare a pre-qual letter to satisfy a Borrower or Realtor. To my surprise, many times I am being asked for a pre-qual w/o the necessary documents to really make it legitimate. A "REAL" prequal letter, at minimum ne
Oct 27, 2014 |