Get your credit report before your loan

Published on Jun 10, 2014
Get your credit report before your loan
Get your credit report before your loan

I have seen so much frustration over the years when a credit report reveals some items that hold up the loan. IF a borrower would pull their own mortgage credit report from a reliable site BEFORE they start their home purchase or refinance, a lot could be determined ahead of time.When the client pulls their own report it does NOT lower their scores BUT it could enable the Mortgage Broker to give a little advice that might save their loan needs with a little work. Suppose the Mortgage Broker pulls the client's scores and it knocks their scores down, just enough to put them under the needed scores for loan approval? Then the Realtor, Borrower and Mortgage Broker all lose the deal. If the client would be a little pro-active, then the loan may be put off for a month or two as corrections or changes are made, BUT not lost for good. I would also advise Realtors to see if their clients could pull their own reports prior to the Bank / Mortgage Broker pulling a report which might delay the loan for a month or two but ultimately culminate in a saved deal.